Sometimes i wish i was further along in my journey but forget that i started farrrrr from where i am today after a year and a half of consistent training in the gym i feel should have a 6 pack by now lmao and that might be true if i started with a flat stomach but i didn’t far from it actually. Anyways i will remain patient with my journey, ill get there eventually ☺️

onFeb 15, 2025
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The Loc God, Corp

Sometimes i wish i was further along in my journey but forget that i started farrrrr from where i am today after a year and a half of consistent training in the gym i feel should have a 6 pack by now lmao and that might be true if i started
Feb 15, 2025, 11:06 PM

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Sometimes i wish i was further along in my journey but forget that i started farrrrr from where i am today after a year and a half of consistent training in the gym i feel should have a 6 pack by now lmao and that might be true if i started
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