This Saturday evening UK time We Will Always Love You will be transmitted 768,802 km to the moon via Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) technology. The audio signal penetrates several metres into the moons surface before bouncing back to Earth with a unique and otherworldly sound, transformed by lunar reflections and cosmic interference - static left over from the Big Bang. These recordings will be received by the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory and broadcast back to Piccadilly Circus transforming the original sound into something entirely new, manipulated by the moon and the cosmos. You can hear the eerie result at art Piccadilly Un:Plugged, a free public exhibit running at Piccadilly Circus tonight , March 8th. @nellybenhayounstudios @uniundergrd @theartofldn @newpublicprojects @jodrellbank @setiinstitute @devhynes @turkishprison

onMar 8, 2025
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The Avalanches

This Saturday evening UK time We Will Always Love You will be transmitted 768,802 km to the moon via Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) technology
Mar 8, 2025, 8:54 AM

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This Saturday evening UK time We Will Always Love You will be transmitted 768,802 km to the moon via Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) technology
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