Wash your hands, friends! Norovirus is once again sweeping the nation. (Gastrointestinal, fever, aches) 🦠 There’s no vaccine, but good hand hygiene helps. Norovirus is non-enveloped so alcohol-based hand sanitizers are ineffective. Soap, however, forms micelles around pathogens which can trap them and allows the pathogens to be washed away. 👏👏👏 sammysoaps condition hands by leaving a microscopic layer of glycerin on skin after every use. The more you wash with sammysoap, the softer your hands become. If are not using real, pure high quality soap, give us a try for instant pleasure, lasting relief, and better health. Over 90 soaps. All 100% all natural and vegan. No artificial anything. Handmade with love and attention to detail in our Kirkwood, Missouri factory since 2014. Get healthy. Stay healthy. Enjoy beautiful skin the simple way. Be the change. 🧼 #soapfactory #madeinusa #allnaturalsoap #handmadesoap #organicskincare #vegansoap #sammysoap #sammysoapstl #kirkwoodmo

onDec 31, 2024
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Wash your hands, friends
Dec 31, 2024, 4:32 AM

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Wash your hands, friends
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