The full journey of our USA-made wool blankets: → Sheep raised in Canada - Wool sourced from the last U.S. supplier carrying this premium fiber (MA) → Yarn sent to Caledonian Dye Works (PA), one of the last commercial dyers in the U.S., for color dyeing. → Yarn shipped to @american_woolen for carding, spinning & finishing Once finished (fulling, carbonizing, drying, napping, shearing, inspecting) rolls sent to Fall River Knitting Mill (MA) for final steps. → Fall River Knitting Mill measures, cuts, whipstitches the edges with matching yarn, sews on labels, folds & packages each blanket. From fiber to finished piece, every step is crafted with care and tradition. Tap link in bio to learn more. #ibex #usamade #americanmade #americanwoolencompany

onFeb 27, 2025
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The full journey of our USA-made wool blankets: → Sheep raised in Canada - Wool sourced from the last U
Feb 27, 2025, 8:32 PM

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The full journey of our USA-made wool blankets:

 → Sheep raised in Canada - Wool sourced from the last U
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