The biggest thing that holds me back is my anxiety and the way it makes me feel. It’s freaking uncomfortable!! But if I let that discomfort hold me back then I will never be able to get better. Sometimes you need to expose yourself to the situations that make you anxious. The more you do it, the easier it will be to conquer that discomfort. We can either choose to feel uncomfortable and use that discomfort to move forward or we can let that discomfort control us. I am sick of letting my anxiety control me so here I am letting all of you know that I plan on continuing to do more things (which for me applies to my every day life) that make me feel anxious and uncomfortable. My anxiety won’t control me 🤞🏼

onDec 17, 2024
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Grey Bandit

The biggest thing that holds me back is my anxiety and the way it makes me feel
Dec 17, 2024, 12:27 AM

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The biggest thing that holds me back is my anxiety and the way it makes me feel
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