Result obtained with the Feverless Mulberry SILK Heatless Curler in the STANDARD size. Why did we choose Natural Silk to create our product? 💗 Well, the Feverless product is an innovated idea of the traditional robe cord, much improved. ❗️The main problem with the robe cord, however, is that the hair will remain matte, dries it out and increases breakage. You will notice how the hair will not grow in length if used often. Because it absorbs both the water and the oils that are naturally found in the hair, if it's made out of cotton or artificial fibers. ✨ That's precisely why for each of the curlers we delicately sew the natural silk on it. ❗️ (Do not confuse Natural Silk with Satin, they are two VERY DIFFERENT fibers, natural silk has many benefits, and Satin is an artificial fiber that only visually imitates Silk, improperly called "silk") : Only Natural Silk offers these benefits: • DOES NOT DRY the hair, but takes care of it where it comes into contact with it. • does not maintain the presence of bacteria • contains a protein similar to the one existing in the hair • reduces hair breakage, so the hair will grow in length faster • gives it shine over time • does not let the hair to become frizzy ✨ Now your hair will regenerate as it curls. *Product registrated, protected by EUIPO certificate Video 🎞️ by @roxana.craciun_ 🩷

onFeb 8, 2025
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Result obtained with the Feverless Mulberry SILK Heatless Curler in the STANDARD size
Feb 8, 2025, 11:19 PM

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Result obtained with the Feverless Mulberry SILK Heatless Curler in the STANDARD size
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