Today as I was driving to go skate like always I like to gaze off into the land of what if’s and what abouts. Well today it was the thought of doing switch inverts again since I’ve really only been doing switch egg plants. After my first attempt @tonyhawk instantly jumped in on the efforts and did one fairly easy (3 actually). Then @_aj_nelson_ the Invert king not only learned them quickly but probably does some of the best I’ve ever seen. I later made one no thanks to a migraine headache that creeped up on me but seriously thanks for the inspiration and fun session fellas 👊🏼 📹 @jeromygreen

onFeb 13, 2025
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Bucky Lasek

Today as I was driving to go skate like always I like to gaze off into the land of what if’s and what abouts
Feb 13, 2025, 12:07 AM

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Today as I was driving to go skate like always I like to gaze off into the land of what if’s and what abouts
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