From an EMT on scene to a civilian involved in an accident, the 179GRY SOCP® Rescue Tool is designed for those rendering life-saving intervention. This tough fixed-blade features a carbide glass punch for breaking windows, an oxygen tank wrench, and a rescue hook for cutting through seatbelts, straps, or cordage. Quickly deployed from its injection-molded sheath, whether carried on your person or mounted in your vehicle, stay ready with the SOCP® Rescue Tool. Link in bio. #YoursForLife #SOCP #selfreliance #rescue #stayready

onFeb 27, 2025
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Benchmade Knife Co.,

From an EMT on scene to a civilian involved in an accident, the 179GRY SOCP® Rescue Tool is designed for those rendering life-saving intervention
Feb 27, 2025, 7:51 PM

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From an EMT on scene to a civilian involved in an accident, the 179GRY SOCP® Rescue Tool is designed for those rendering life-saving intervention
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